Win An iPod Touch or Ipod Nano

Saturday, November 22, 2008 |

I found out that will be having there first contest which has a great techiee prize.It's an ipod nano or ipod touch LOL cool right see the details below:

To enter the Contest,
Just Enter your email address to get my Posts in your Inbox:

Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner

As you can see my reader base is still pretty low.

Once the above ticker hits 500 100 Readers I will randomly pick a winner from the first 500 100 readers and give that person an iPod Touch. Your chances of winning the iPod Touch is 1/500= 0.2% 1/100=1.00%

I will then pick a winner from the remaining 499 99 subscribers and that person will win the iPod Nano. Your chances of winning the iPod Nano is 1/499 = 0.200401% 1/99=1.01%

There will be no deadline of this contests it will just end when they hit 100 subscribers let's help feedingthecrave to earn those subscribers ..